Creemore Community Support
To the extent it is able, CARA enjoys participating in community events and sponsoring local groups.
CARA for many years has joined The Tree Society of Creemore and Cardboard Castles in sponsoring the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting, and serving free hot dogs.
CARA invites speakers on matters of local interest to present and discuss these issues at our public annual general meetings.
CARA occasionally makes donations to support local community events and community organizations. CARA has provided modest funding for:
St. Lukes Church - Deacon’s Fund for local food support during COVID-19
Creemore Minor Baseball Club
Creemore Children’s Festival
Collingwood High School - Special Learning Program
Preserve Clearview (Industrial Wind Turbines)
International Readers Festival
RAY's Place
Cybergnome Youth Program
Santa Claus Parade
Canada Day Celebration