Steer Enterprises
In 2016, CARA unsuccessfully opposed Clearview Township’s decision to permit Steer Enterprises Ltd. to construct a large industrial and commercial development on prime agricultural farmland at Cashtown Corners. Steer will be building a huge diesel engine, heavy truck and trailer repair center at this site.
In 2017, Steer obtained OMB approval for the construction after an appeal by neighbours was dismissed.
The Echo, September 2, 2016, "The battle between agricultural and industrial land uses"
CARA had a number of valid planning and land use concerns, including an apparent failure of the proposed use to comply with the Provincial Policy Statement, 2014, the Clearview Official Plan and the Clearview Zoning By-law. It was CARA’s view that the expanded business is NOT “small scale and directly related to the farm operation”, the intended use is NOT “limited to those providing services or supplies to nearby agricultural operations” and it did not appear to be providing “direct products and/or services to farm operations as a primary activity”, all as required by the PPS, the Clearview Official Plan and the Zoning By-law (prior to its amendment).
CARA also had additional concerns related to the increased traffic on Airport Road and with the aesthetics. Replacing pristine farmland with a large industrial/commercial facility and 30 parked large diesel trucks or truck trailers did not seem to be wise.
CARA did not oppose Steer’s business. Instead, CARA expressly supported the expansion of the business and the creation of 8 additional jobs in Clearview Township, provided 1) the expanded business was located on lands currently zoned for commercial or industrial uses and 2) the new jobs did not require a noisy business to operate after 7:00 p.m. Our preference was to have the business located in the Stayner Industrial Park where Clearview Township has already invested considerable funds in servicing the land.
CARA and Steer’s future neighbours were not able to persuade Clearview Council to deny the requested by-law amendment and severance.
In 2017, Steer obtained OMB approval for the construction after an appeal by the neighbours was dismissed.
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